SugarCRM service settings

SugarCRM service settings have additional quotas:

  • sugarcrm_user_count - total count of user limits that were connected to SPLs.

SugarCRM services list

To get a list of services, run GET against /api/sugarcrm/ as authenticated user.

Create a SugarCRM service

To create a new SugarCRM service, issue a POST with service details to /api/sugacrm/ as a customer owner.

Request parameters:

  • name - service name,
  • customer - URL of service customer,
  • settings - URL of SugarCRM settings, if not defined - new settings will be created from server parameters,
  • dummy - is service dummy,

The following rules for generation of the service settings are used:

  • backend_url - URL of template group that describes OpenStack instance provision with default parameters

    (required, e.g.:;

  • username - NodeConductor user username (e.g. User);

  • password - NodeConductor user password (e.g. Password);

  • license_code - License code that will be used for SugarCRM activation (required);

  • user_data - User data that will be passed to CRMs OpenStack instance on creation.

    Word {password} will be replaced with auto-generated admin password (default: “#cloud-config:nruncmd:n - [bootstrap, -p, {password}]”);

  • protocol - CRMs access protocol. (default: “http”);

  • phone_regex - RegEx for phone validation;

  • sms_email_from - Name of SMS email sender (SMS will not be send without this parameter);

  • sms_email_rcpt - Name of SMS email recipient (SMS will not be send without this parameter);

Example of a request:

POST /api/sugarcrm/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "name": "My SugarCRM"
    "customer": "",
    "backend_url": "",
    "username": "User",
    "password": "Password",
    "license_code": "some-code"

Project-service connection list

To get a list of connections between a project and an oracle service, run GET against /api/sugarcrm-service-project-link/ as authenticated user. Note that a user can only see connections of a project where a user has a role.

Create a new SugarCRM resource

A new SugarCRM instance can be created by users with project administrator role, customer owner role or with staff privilege (is_staff=True). To create a CRM, client must issue POST request to /api/sugarcrm-crms/ with parameters:

  • name - CRM name;
  • description - CRM description (optional);
  • link to the service-project-link object;
  • user_count - maximal number of users in CRM (default: 10);

Example of a valid request:

POST /api/sugarcrm-crms/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "name": "test CRM",
    "description": "sample description",
    "service_project_link": "",
    "size": 1024,
    "user_count": 20

Updating a SugarCRM resource

SugarCRM can be update by issuing PUT request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/.

Supported fields for update are name and description. Quota management for users is performed through /api/quotas/ endpoint by POSTing a new limit for the user_count quota with scope of the SugarCRM instance.

SugarCRM resource display

To get SugarCRM resource data issue GET request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/. Field “instance_url” is visible only for staff.

Example rendering of the CRM object:

        "url": "",
        "uuid": "7693d9308e0641baa95720d0046e5696",
        "name": "test-sugarcrm",
        "description": "",
        "start_time": "2015-10-19T08:06:15Z",
        "service": "",
        "service_name": "sugarcrm service",
        "service_uuid": "655b79490b63442d9264d76ab9478f62",
        "project": "",
        "project_name": "sugarcrm project",
        "project_uuid": "0e86f04bb1fd48e181742d0598db69d5",
        "customer": "",
        "customer_name": "sugarcrm customer",
        "customer_native_name": "",
        "customer_abbreviation": "",
        "project_groups": [],
        "resource_type": "SugarCRM.CRM",
        "state": "Provisioning",
        "created": "2015-10-20T10:35:19.146Z",
        "instance_url": "",
        "api_url": "",
        "publishing_state": "not published",
        "quotas": [
                "url": "",
                "uuid": "224c771110cc4340aa6a18f58861b307",
                "name": "user_count",
                "limit": 10.0,
                "usage": 0.0,

Delete CRM

To delete CRM - issue DELETE request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/.

List CRM users

To get list of all registered on CRM users - issue GET request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/users/. Only users with view access to CRM can view CRM users.

Supported filters:

  • ?user_name
  • ?first_name
  • ?last_name
  • ?status - the status can be Active, Inactive or Reserved.

Response example:

        "url": "",
        "uuid": "a67a5b55-bb5f-1259-60a2-562e3c88fb34",
        "user_name": "user",
        "status": "Active",
        "last_name": "User",
        "first_name": "",
        "email": ""

Create new CRM user

To create new CRM user - issue POST request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/users/.

Request parameters:

  • user_name - new user username;
  • last_name - new user last name;
  • first_name - new user first name (can be empty);
  • email - new user email (can be empty);
  • phone - new user mobile phone number (can be empty);
  • status - new user status (can be empty);

Example of a request:

POST /api/sugarcrm/24156c367e3a41eea81e374073fa1060/users/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "user_name": "test_user",
    "last_name": "test user last name"

Update a CRM user

To update CRM user - issue PATCH request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/users/<user_id>/.

Example of a request:

PUT /api/sugarcrm/24156c367e3a41eea81e374073fa1060/users/cc420109-a419-3d5b-558b-567168cf750f/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "email": "",

Delete a CRM user

To delete CRM user - issue DELETE request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/users/<user_id>/.

Reset user password

To reset user password - issue POST request against /api/sugarcrm-crms/<crm_uuid>/users/<user_id>/password/. You can specify notify parameter in order to send user notification about newly created password.

Example of a valid request:

POST /api/sugarcrm-crms/db82a52368ba4957ac2cdb6a37d22dee/users/cc420109-a419-3d5b-558b-5671/password/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "notify": "true"

Example of response:

“password”: “uONLv0UjcI”
